Friday, August 7, 2009

And I thought Australia was about relaxation...

Just kidding - it totally is.  I'm relaxed 24/7 down here.  But I did emerge from my first Acting and Production II class today with a position as stage manager as well as a small acting role in our class production that goes up at the beginning of November.  And I've still got auditions for Twelfth Night to contend with on Monday.

That long-awaited butterflies have returned to my stomach...I'm officially busy again.

(Look for a longer entry tomorrow or Sunday, I've gotta get some reading done tonight.)

PEACE - go see the Llama T show tonight in Groton!  Hottest ska this side of the Thames (:

1 comment:

  1. Mom said: A busy Kelsey is a happy Kelsey - we all know that. Let's just keep it under control though - don't need you completely wiped out come December!!
