Friday, August 21, 2009

Dolla dolla bills, y'all.


This is going to be a short entry, full of cheap shots...well, one cheap shot.  I mentioned in my last entry that I'm participating in the 40 Hour Famine (which we've determined is actually 52 hours, go figure) this weekend, actually starting this morning at 8am, and I'm looking for sponsors.  So if you feel like giving me money to not eat for the next day and a half, here's the link:

All of the money actually goes to World Vision, an international organization that raises awareness about and seeks solutions for the global hunger crisis.  It's become a very important cause, I would love it if anyone feels like contributing - but absolutely no obligation.  I think if you click on the link above it'll take you right to my page, everything is done by credit card after that, but let me know if it doesn't work.  And THANK YOU so much if you are able to donate - it really means a lot to the people who receive it, and to me.

That's all for now...I'll write sometime this weekend if I can muster up the energy (:
Love you all.

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