Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kangaroo on the barbie.

Not a lot to say since yesterday, but I'm trying to keep these blogs a bit shorter...I don't know how anyone makes it through a whole entry, they're so long.

Big news of the day?  I moved!  I now live with Miss Lauren Alyssa Fish, just across the courtyard, in flat 39.  No balcony, but now I get to sleep with actual blankets and two whole pillows, instead of the sleeping bag I've been using over here the last week.  I was sad to say goodbye to Mohammed, Jon, Char, and the possibility of Justine, but this way I know I'll never have to skip out on a conversation with my parents or risk waking someone up because I need to Skype at 7:30am.  We got the call of approval while we were out grocery shopping (trying to find ingredients for a strange cookie recipe that called for condensed product = kind of yellow, kind of crumbly, kind of funny-tasting), so we beat feet back to the village and packed up my room in about 27 minutes so I could be on time for my meeting with Emma.

Meeting with Emma about units was...successful?  I won't know until sometime tomorrow morning.  Hooray.

Lauren and I made those's the thing about our oven though, it's basically just a flame in a box.  No temperature control or anything.  So the cookies were pretty touch-and-go, but we ended up with probably twenty moderately edible chocolate chip cookies in the end.  Then Keith called up and invited us to join him and his roommates at the grill on the other side of the village to eat some sausages, pork, and kangaroo.  It was only 40 degrees outside, but I don't know about you, I can never turn down grilled kangaroo.  It took about an hour to get anything cooked, but it was GOOD.  Turns out I like sausage.  Kangaroo too.  It's a very different flavor, I'm not sure how to put it into words...but if I ever tasted it again I'd say OH YES, I know what this is, why this is kangaroo, fresh off the outback!  A perk about eating kangaroo meat - it's better for the environment.  Kangaroos produce less nitrogen and take less land and grass to raise, so they're lower on the energy chain.  YES.  Maybe I'll become a kangatarian.  It's pretty cheap, and they sell it on these handy kebabs that grill up real nice.

Thanks for reading - I'm off to bed, another full day of getting oriented tomorrow!


  1. Just passing along an observation: I'm told the kangaroo in Australia is a lot like the squirrel in the US. So, in other words, you were eating the Australian equivalent to a rodent. Just saying... I'm sure it was tasty.

  2. Look, I know I've never commented before, and this may be an incredibly lame first post, but I have to ask...

    You've never eaten SAUSAGE before???

  3. Mom said: So does this mean you won't be picking the sausages out of my spaghetti sauce anymore?? Still "digesting" the fact that you ate kangaroo and liked it! So glad you moved in with Lauren - great decision especially regarding the Skype thing.

  4. The reason I write "Mom said" all the time is that sometimes at work this computer defaults to Chrisy's google account and it ends up saying "Christy said"

  5. hey Kels...I just read all your are one funny chickie I have to say...glad to hear you're surviving...I don't know about the kangaroo thing, but hey thats just me...keep up the blogs, have fun, don't talk to strangers, be safe and all ya, miss auntie

  6. kelsey eating kangaroo. now there's an image i never thought i'd imagine. =)

    love x 800 million.
